Business Review Websites

If you’ve ever wondered what one of these review sites for business is, then you’re not alone. In fact, some people think they’re something to do with Amazon or Google but they’re not quite right, good try though. So let’s break it down and find out what a business review website really is, what it does and why you as business need one, like now!

So, these kinds of websites are there to enable customers to provide feedback about a product, or service, they purchased from a business (with or without a website). These sorts of sites are more than just another website, and because they are indexed by the likes of Google, Bing and other search engines they help both existing and future customers decide in a click, if your business is worth their time and money. Brutal, but true – thing is, if you’re business is doing a good job with sale and service then you’ve got absolutely nothing to worry about.

These websites also help your business stand out, I mean okay so you’ve got a website – but so have your competitors. You sell services / products for the best price / performance / service but so do your competitors. So how else can you compete? Simply, positive customer feedback – that’s how!

What Does A Business Reviews Website Do?

Does it just sit there and magically collect customer reviews? Well not quite! In fact, what it does is allow your customers to feedback on your website / business (yes I know …) but it also acts as a place where feedback can be remediated. For example, let’s say a customer leaves a bad review – what happens? Well if you do nothing, then your business looks bad – but if you take action and reply to the customer’s review in a helpful and meaningful way then most likely you can solve their original problem and turn their experience into a happy one, meaning you now get a review that’s glowing, rather than gnarly!

So how does a customer actually leave feedback on the site? Well you’d be surprised – first off there are some review sites that are either expensive or can be hard to use (yes, really) for both customer and business alike! Don’t ask, we’ve been there – it’s not great. Luckily though there is a better way, but more on that later.

We did say some review websites out there can be expensive, yes, really! So know you’re thinking “well, why are they so pricey?” that’s a good question – from our research we’ve noticed that they charge a lot, no we don’t know why but it’s been noticed that they offer different ‘tiers’ – i.e. review plans. I mean, we don’t get it – all you really need is a reputable website where customers can leave feedback in a quick, easy and simple way. You also want said website to allow you to offer review invites, allow you to reply to customer feedback and more. Yet you’re expected to pay a fortune – well not with us, we give you so much more (no limits, no tiers) and all for a reasonable price you’ll find very hard to beat.

Do I Need One For My Business?

In short, if you want new and repeat customers, then the answer is yes! Do you want to pay a fortune for, get stuck in a contract with, or find your options very limited with a business review website elsewhere? If not, we can help you. There are no contracts, no tiers and absolutely no limits – the price is super competitive and great value too. Well, as they ‘every little thing helps’ and with us you get features you won’t find elsewhere. Best of all, customers will love leaving feedback because it’s so quick, easy and super-fast too!